Juno Jack's Blog

Clocks spring forward - How to adjust your baby's routine

Us parents are likely to feel sleep deprived already and with the clocks set to 'spring' forward this weekend, none of us are keen for the extra hours loss.

We've gathered some tips together to make the transition a little bit easier on how you can adjust your baby's routine (if you want to). For some, it's quite simply a matter of winging it and carrying on as normal - this can most definitely work, too! 

Becoming a Mum of 2 - Reaching Reality

“I realised that I was putting an extraordinary amount of pressure on myself to portray an image which wasn’t a true reflection of how I was feeling. The more I spoke about my struggles, not just to the mums in my chat group but friends and family, the more people could help me.” - Eliza of Juno Jack’s shares her experience of breastfeeding for the second time around, and the difficulties she faced nursing baby number two.